Thank you so much for signing up for preliminary updates about the upcoming book! I want to share a few updates and ask for your help titling the work. I will be sending a few more of these emails leading up to the book launch (coming this fall!) and my intent is to keep you all informed of what's happening.
First off, I've put well over 50,000 words "on paper" at the time of this email. I've outlined most sections of the book, I've conducted a number of interviews, and I've studied every game from the 2005 season (and a few from 2004) to be sure my story is accurate. We're not there yet, but the first draft is being polished!
Second, I'll be helping organize a 10-year reunion at CSU this fall during one of the games to commemorate the 2005 Championship. Everyone is invited and it would be great to have everyone there. More details to come on this soon!
Finally, I want to ask for your help. This book a HUGE deal to me, and more than anything I want to do my team and this story justice. I have no trouble writing the story, but I'm having trouble nailing down a title. Please follow on the below link to make your vote for the book title. You'll see there's a space for write-in answers, suggestions are always welcome. At the end of the day, I have to go with my gut so please don't be offended if I don't choose your answer. I will, however, take everyone's answers into account, I can promise you that!
Thank you again for signing up for updates. Your support means the world to me! For being on this list you'll receive a free chapter, a discount on the book, and other various updates as we get closer and closer to the launch.
Take care, and Go Bucs!