Thank you so much for being a part of this! I am humbled by the amount of support I have received and I'm grateful for every one of you.
The book is slated to be published this fall, but there are a number of boxes to check before then. I'm excited to share these updates with you as the pieces of this puzzle begin to find their place.
Half of the book has been officially put through the ringer thanks to my fantastic editor, Stephanie Araujo. The second half is being smoothed out and the content from various interviews is being injected into the story. I have collected a number of pictures from Facebook and Miss Tam Odom was generous enough to let me use photos (thanks Tam!) from her time at CSU. If you have pictures that may not have made it to Facebook, feel free to reply to this email and share them with me.
In my most recent email, I asked you to help me vote on a title. Thank you to all who voted! I had a wide variety of answers, including some creative write ins. The title of the book will be "BelievEG21" with a sub-title yet to be released. This was a tough decision and it’s been weighing on my mind since this began. I wanted to give the book a title that expresses the journey of the 2005 Bucs, but make it unique enough to be memorable. The subtitle is yet to be determined, but as soon as I nail it down you’ll be the first to know. Thanks again to everyone who helped make this decision!
Ladies and gentlemen… is live!
Finally, I want to ask for your thoughts and prayers. Later this month I will be be contacting Dr. Jairy C. Hunter, the president of Charleston Southern University, to ask for the school’s support in promoting the book. The school's official blessing will be extremely helpful in reaching a wider audience, getting the book into the campus bookstore, and more.
My next update will contain details from the process, how my request to Dr. Hunter goes, and possibly a snippet for you to read. In the mean time, check out the website for more details.
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