Thanks for sticking with me through this journey. In case you didn't know, book publishing is hard! I've run into my share of road blocks along the way, but I'm happy to say we're moving along nicely.
I originally planned to have the book published by now, but apparently book publishing isn't like hitting Ctrl+P on your keyboard and getting a finished product shortly after. The book is not officially published yet, but I have physical proofs on the way (check out Facebook or Instagram for a sneak peek)! This has been a very frustrating part of the process for me and I'm thankful for your support. This is mostly what I've looked like recently...
“The test of success is not what you do when you are on top. Success is how high you bounce when you hit the bottom.”
I won't be beat by some stupid process. I have too many people depending on me to print this book. Seriously, thank you for being on this list. Knowing that I have people waiting on me to finish drives me every day.
For those of you who ordered a hardcover, nothing has changed and they are still being printed. If you missed the email about hardcovers, there are 5(ish) more available. Click here to find out more.
If you haven't already, be sure to download your free chapter(s). The system is going to ask for your credit card number even though it's free; don't worry, nothing will be charged. Enjoy your free chapter(s) and share with anyone you like, they are free for a reason!
A firm publication date is being set soon, I promise. I will be in contact next week with more information. You'll be the first to know when the launch countdown officially begins. Right now, the tentative launch date is looking like the first week of December so I don't have to compete with Thanksgiving the week before. This will ensure everyone's books will be to them well before Christmas breaks.
In the mean time, if you are planning on purchasing an eBook version of Believe EG21 and would like to help me out, please contact me. I may have something cool for you that could help the book spread like wildfire at launch. Thanks again for your patience, we're almost there.
Take care, go Bucs!